Description This 20 year old used book store for sale is located in a New Orleans, Louisiana metro area locally referred to as the New Orleans Northshore. This large affluent suburban area is high and dry. It has shown tremendous growth since hurricane Katrina. The public schools are great and there is plenty of affordable housing, many with large or acreage lots. Outdoor recreational and opportunities life hunting, fishing, swimming, boating and other opportunities abound. New Orleans is also just a short drive away. This is a great place to live the good life.
This used book store has developed over its 20 years a large, loyal cliental base that shops regularly. Store is located on the main heavy traffic highway in town. Store has good visibility from its leased space. Franchise fee is very low with a flat monthly fee of $50. Seller will thoroughly train new owner on the very easy to own and operate business that is very nicely profitable. Seller is ready to retire and is highly motivated to divest this national franchised used book store business for sale. Seller has priced business very attractively to facilitate a quick sale. Come visit the store, preview the great selection of books in stock, meet the owner, make an offer.