Description E-Book Store Website for sale at $299 only.
- Comes pre-installed with 177 bestselling digital products to get you started.
- Manage your store online via your own easy to use web-based Store Admin Area.
- Easily add your own eBooks and downloadable products, complete with pictures, descriptions and prices.
- Easily change the prices and edit product descriptions to your own taste.
- Text and colors and are completely customizable via your Admin
- Ready to accept online credit card orders with popular payment methods such as PayPal and Nochex.
- Totally automated checkout system! Customers get an instant download of their purchase straight after payment.
- The purchase can only be downloaded once, so the customer can't pass the download link around to friends.
- No need to add PayPal buttons. Simply enter your PayPal email address in your Admin. That's it!
- Keeps an easy to manage record of all customers and orders online.
- Easily view products purchased and monthly sales reports.
- Works with UK Pounds, US Dollars, Euros, Australian Dollars or Canadian Dollars.
- Create unlimited categories and subcategories.
- Automated built-in links page where other websites can exchange links with you.
- Easily send newsletters to all your customers with your own built-in Newsletter Manager.
- Readily search engine optimized to help your website rank in the search engines.
- Add your own keywords and meta tags through your Admin to help your search engine ranking.
- Built-in Google Adsense. Simply enter your Google Adsense ID in Admin and start earning extra cash.
- Upload your own banners to your affiliate programs and other websites.
- Displays random featured products every time the front page is visited.
- Editable About Us and FAQ pages that can be customized in Admin.
- Editable pre-filled Terms And Conditions and Privacy pages.
Contact for more information on this E-Book Store Website for sale.