Description This is a well established Picture Frame and Art Gallery for sale serving the Community Of Northwest Chicago and Park Ridge and Northwest suburbs. It has a loyal and dedicated customer base and the Average ticket price is $125. It nets a positive cash flow and expense account and has many perks as well as being your own boss and creating your own career based on your work ethic. It has been in the same location since 1997 and adjacent to a Starbucks Coffee and a Hallmark Store in a Cozy courtyard with a Movie Theatre directly behind us. The business also has a wholesale and Charity Consignment Revenue streams as well as low rent and no taxes or c.a.m. The Store can be run by 2 individuals smoothly and even in this tight economy with retail falling has sustained a profitable year in 2008. I the owner and Custom Picture Framer can stay on and aid and train the new owner and individual(s) if needed to give them a smooth and easy transition and to get themselves familiar with the Frame Moulding companies and meet and greet our Wonderful Customers.
Average Frame ticket $125
2008 Gross Revenues $185,000
Cash Flow $70,000
Paid expense account includes:
- Starbucks Coffee
- Tolls
- Mileage
- Entertainment
- Cellular Phones
- Life Insurance
Included in the sale price are
- Inventory
- Artwork
- Tables and equiptment for framing
- Computer
- Sound System
- Sports memorabila
Customers! Most Important a Well established turn key business. Asking Price $ 65,000 and ready to fully operate from your very first day. Please email or call us for a appointment to tour the Gallery and to answer any questions you may have. I can be contacted either by Phone or Email.
The Framer's Alley
Charitable Framer's
15 1/2 S Prospect Ave
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
And our new website is being constructed and created currently and also will be included with the package.