Description This Limousine Service is located 250 yards from LAX. We are positioned in Playa del Rey, where the ocean and the runway of Los Angeles International Airport intersect, a perfect position. They say ''position is everything'', and they are right! The oldest and largest Limousine Service in the US did a survey, 78% of business either originated or terminated from the major airport.This business is ideal for the early retiree, someone who still wants to contribute, however, still wants to enjoy the experience, without too many burdens of responsibilty. This business includes the titles to a six passenger Lincoln stretch and an L series Lincoln sedan, as well as an SUV the Yukon XL they have been garaged and are in excellent condition, having been meticulously cared for and maintained. The business caters strictly for a corporate clientele, roadshows, movie premieres, wait and returns and as directed assignments. It has been said many times that the American Dream is home ownership, we respectfully disagree, it is owning your own ''going concern'', your own business, being able to support yourself through your own enterprise and charting your own destiny. Has this business potential for expansion? Yes, however you may make more $ by running a highly efficient small enterprise, such as this, than an unwieldy large operation, that is difficult to control and has a large employee quotient. With this small enterprise, you will have time for family, friends, hobbies and exercise, in other words >>> balance in your life. The uniqueness of this business is that it comes with a monthly Retainer, you receive a check on the 15th of each month, as well as your normal trading accounts, this is advantageous when it comes to the seasonal business cycle. Let's talk about training, the principal will personally train you with his 18 years of expertise to make the learning curve easy for you, he will introduce you to clents and his network of industry connections.