Description Equity ownership available. Casino build. Must be able to invest minimum $40M. $810M will get you very large equity stake.
Estimtated revenues are $294M per year.
Project is a public company organized in Delaware with 300M shares authorised and 50M outstanding and more than 50% owned by our directors, management and friends of the company, and a total of 600 shareholders.
Project is open to all forms of ownership/funding solutions, from equity to senior debt, and since project owns 99% of the company, it is capable of sharing the equity.
Developments: Tax incentives from the county to build up to $70M; a new $1B car manufacturing factory is coming to the area, as well as other businesses; new airport and new interstate. Growing area.
Site is adjacent to two most profitable casinos in the area. The area brings over $1B in revenues per year. Please contact if interested. Regards -David Klein.