Tutoring Business For Sale Or Partner Needed
Location Illinois,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $96000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $51000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance No
Year Established 2009
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Inventory 10000
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Leased
Training For a limited time
Reason for Sale Need the funds
Description Looking to sell or take on partner for tutoring business soon, this is not a franchise. Sixth year serving the community and building a strong following. Reading, writing, math and ACT preparation. Looking to get $60,000 for everything,which include all furniture, books and database (files, customers, etc) or $40,000 for partner. Please call (815) 790-4249 for any further questions. We cater to children K-12 and some adults with all of their educational needs. Currently we have seven part time tutors and one general manager who overseas everything. I hardly go in at all but if you want to keep the general managers pay for yourself then you would have to go in everyday. However, this is an after school business so a work day is only 5 hours, Monday through Thursday and Saturday; we are currently closed on Fridays.
This is an ideal business for a retired school teacher or for anyone who has a passion for teaching kids. I opened this business because I wanted to teach but did not want to go back to school for a teaching degree. The possibilities are endless with this type of industry by adding on language tutoring or even art classes. Also, I am leasing the current location but you have the option to move it anywhere in the area. We are so good, our parents would follow us anywhere as long as it's in the vicinity. I am also considering partners to fund opening more locations but I would be the silent partner. The reason of selling is that I invested in another business with my husband that needs a lot of time and money and by regretfully selling this business I would have more funding. If I can find a partner to share my burden and provide funding to expand to other markets then there is an opportunity to double or triple our profits.
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