Description This fast food restaurant for sale is located Central Florida at $199,000. Plus the cost of inventory. Turnkey opportunity located in an upscale shopping center and surrounded by businesses and neighborhoods. The popular franchise was developed in the 1990's. This location was opened in 2011.
Owner states that a new owner could easily increase sales which were $350,000 in 2013 Prime location - many call this a recession proof area. Great relationship with other retailers in the area who do not serve food only drinks this makes for a great team. This community is also fast growing more stores, hospitals, residential area it is thriving. Menu offers foods prepared fresh and fast. Corporate support is excellent.
New Owner does not have to have prior experience in the food industry. Owner will train for up to 2 weeks including in the sale price or for a fee will stay on longer! Owner financing may also be possible for a serious qualified buyer. Selling because one of the Owners has to relocate. Great lease, good terms with option to renew after 5 years. Includes marketing common area maintenance (CAM) and other fees. Prime location on the East Coast of Central Florida. Leased store covering over 1,400 square foot.
Close to schools, hospital, a variety of businesses, offices, hotels, multiple retail stores, residential area with lots of housing, apartments, condos and much more. Less than an hour from Orlando and close to major highways, airport and cruise lines. Call Sandra Dunn of Matchmaker Business, Inc. at 321-452-3462 for more details.