Description Own Your Part Of The Multi Billion Dollar Dvd Kioks Industry. The DVD Kiosk is recognized as one of the most disruptive technologies in the home entertainment business. In just a few years, the concept has gained wide consumer acceptance, with an installed base growing rapidly from a few hundred locations to more than 35,000+ sites! Today, rental transactions from DVD kiosks represent more than 40% of the US rental market.
You can now benefit from this growing industry as well:
Call Now For Your Free Information Packet 678-827-2249.
These advanced kiosks are easily installed, enabling a quick and effective scaling of business across your real estate locations.
The Envision kiosks can:
Do multiple transaction types including Rent, Buy, Sell or Trade!
Offer multiple media such as DVDs, Blu-ray and Games
Dispense both physical and digital downloads (upgrade)
Display trailers & advertisements on a secondary digital display monitor
Determine if a disc is playable or scratched
Contain four times the capacity of the average Redbox machine.
Function with both Hardwired or independent cell-based Internet modem
Call Now For More Information 678-827-2249.