Description This full service convenience store is located in northwest Kansas. In addition to selling gas, they also offer a full line of convenience items, including cigarettes, lottery tickets, groceries, and snacks. This business has a great, high visibility location. They get a lot of business from the local high school, which is nearby. People often come in for their fast food items, which includes their breakfast line, pizza and hot and cold sandwiches. This company offers 6''-14'' pizza pies for carryout or take and bake. Throughout their years in business, this store has built a large customer base with many loyal customers. This business is known for its fast and friendly service as well as its convenient location.
This convenience store has been in business since 2011 with the current ownership. After years of hard work and dedication to building this business, the current owner has decided to pursue other interests and let a new owner take this business to the next level. This Kansas based business is a great opportunity to take a business that is already successful and build on that foundation to secure your future This owner-operated business is managed in a hands-on fashion, giving the owner full control over the quality of products and the customer service provided. Out of their total revenue, 60% comes from fuel, 5% from cigarettes and lottery tickets, and 35% from other merchandise. This company offers a new owner a successful business with stable revenues. For more information on this listing, contact us today. Equipment and inventory included in the sale, more details available upon inquiry.
Asking $399,000.00. 80% repeat clientele. The business currently has 2 lots and 3,400 sq ft of building space. They are in a high traffic location and there is room for expansion. The location is owned with an option to lease or purchase at time of sale.