Description Business Brokerage office for sale in Kansas. Earn your income by assisting buyers and sellers with transactions of all types of business ranging from coffee shops, restaurants, retail stores, service businesses, manufacturing, distribution and more. Our listings range from $50,000 to millions! We sell businesses in Kansas City and all over the world. On going support provided by the corporate office!
There are approximately 25,000,000 businesses in the USA and approximately 18% change hands every year. There are 3,500 business brokers in the US. The average business broker makes $150,000 to $250,000 per year. The business brokerage industry is growing at a record pace. There are Currently 7 Million Baby Boomers planning their exit strategies, and a large percentage of these Baby Boomers own businesses. There is no better time to enter the Business Brokerage industry than right now.
owner financing with down payment