Description This listing features a full service collision auto repair shop located in the heart of Kansas. They work with local dealerships and on an individual basis. Their goal is to bring damaged cars, trucks and other vehicles back to perfect working order and looking new. Other services include free estimates, body and frame alignment, general repairs, state of the art refinishing and auto glass installations. Their highly qualified technicians have the knowledge, experience and work ethic to get the job done right. They use only the highest quality products and finest workmanship possible.
The business started in 1976, with the current owner taking over in 1998. Since then the owner has worked in the shop, managing the business with a hands on approach. Over the years the company's eye for detail and efficiency has attracted some major clients in the area including Ford and Chrysler. The current owner is wishing to retire from managing and pass the business on to a new owner with the hopes of staying with the company as an employee. If you are interested in this business feel free to contact our offices today!
This fine business offers full body collision repair as well as general body work and refinishing.
The facilities include a 6000 sq ft building, 1200 sq ft middle building and 2700 sq ft shop area located on 5 city lots. The buildings are in great condition and are located in a frequented area. The business is not relocatable. Valued at $300,000 the property is included.
With over 85% repeat clientele, The local competition for this body shop are all franchise businesses. They perform only what they are asked to do and then move onto the next customer in their long lines. In contrast this Kansas body shop does what needs to be done in order to give their customers the safest and most up to date transportation they can.
Asking $1,000,000 Equipment, inventory, property included. 25% financing.