Description This North Carolina based biodiesel producer makes premium biodiesel from vegetable oils obtained from domestic sources. Their target markets are the agricultural, marine, government, residential and commercial diesel consumers that are looking for clean, alternative diesel fuels to help reduce harmful emissions commonly found in petroleum diesel fuels.
They produce and sell biodiesel made from Soybean Oil or Waste Vegetable Oil. This fuel is sold as 100% biodiesel (B100), a diesel diluted blend (B99.9, for tax credit purposes), or a 20% blend (B20) for use in certain trucks, cars and other fuel oil customers that want a lower biodiesel blend but still want the benefits of burning biodiesel.
The customer base can change from year to year, depending upon competitive bids, customer demand, and government influence Their typical customer markets have been the following:
1. Off road Customers wanting B100 or B99.9 Biodiesel for use in generators, boilers, or off-road equipment.
2. Petroleum Blenders wanting B100 or B99.9 for use in blending diesel fuel for B2, B5, B10, or B20 blends for their highway fuel or off road fuel customers.
3. Petroleum Jobbers wanting B99.9 for use in blending with their diesel fuel, usually in B20 or B5 blends.
4. When biodiesel is cheaper than diesel fuel, there is a competitive advantage for petroleum suppliers to blend biodiesel with diesel fuel to a B5 or lower blend, and sell it to the customer labeled as straight diesel. This is because the US commerce laws do not currently require that biodiesel blends less than 5% be placarded as such. Thus, a significant savings can be found in buying biodiesel and blending it with diesel fuel.
5. Retail fuel customers that want B99.9 or B20 blends for use in their personal or work vehicle can buy biodiesel at the production facility which accepts all forms of payment. They have been approached to provide retail locations in Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Durham.